The science

Yellow Calcite Crystal Stones

Considered a “typical” sedimentary mineral, Calcite is far from basic due to its adaptable nature. Calcite can take on many crystalline shapes: impressive rhombohedrons and prisms, it forms limestone rock, marble and those neat features you see in a cavern - stalactites and stalagmites. Calcite can form into just about any color of the rainbow too - red, orange, blue, yellow, green, and even black. The way calcite is formed is essentially from what's left behind after a solution evaporates. Calcite has some true geologic strength as it can withstand the highest phases of metamorphism (think HOT and PRESSURE) and still remain stable. Increased Heat and pressure? No problem. Calcite adapts and recrystallizes itself with larger grain sizes. Impressive, right?



While you can find small pieces that you and I can carry in our pocket, we can also find Calcite in one of the most famous museums in the world - the Louvre in Paris, France. Among the many works of art there, Venus de Milo is one of the most famous pieces of marble in the world….which is made from Calcite. 

However, if you’re not up for swooning over the work of art at the Louvre, or anything about Paris, here’s your takeaway on Calcite: 

Calcite amplifies and cleanses energy. Calcite will accelerate your creativity, intellect, production and energy as a whole (see there was a tie-in to a piece of art!). Calcite helps us discern so we can take action with our ideas.

Yellow Calcite, pictured here, has an uplifting essence and will help you connect with your higher spirituality and guidance you may receive. So it’s great to use when you’re ready to feel un-stuck.

CaCO3 / Amplify, Cleanse & Stimulate


Ocean Jasper
